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Saturday, 27-07-2024, 05:05



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Shiva !! A Project that I try to make Real For Poser
SummonerDate: Wednesday, 26-10-2016, 23:06 | Message # 1
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 159
Status: Offline
With quiet some hassles i am trying to extend my Knowledge and make a full articulated
Shiva . Not an easy Project but I think it is doable with the great features Poser Offers.
Not sure if I shall integrate the Weapons to the figure or not the, outfit for sure

That is the Idea for next week to come , sure some rigging and Weight mapping to do
so that these 4 arms work well and naturally some face Bones for tongue Cheeks Eyes
Eyebrow Etc
Articulated skirt to avoid poke-through and over bending features to get her into fight.

DschleiferDate: Thursday, 27-10-2016, 00:58 | Message # 2
Group: Dragon
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Nice !

David Schleifer

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