If Only you could make the Mechs from the Metal Gear Games like Ray, Rex, now that would be cool to have in my runtime.
My available CPUs are tied up for the next 15 days.
Now working on the next mech of this series this would be the fourth, The Cobra, still struggling with some details in the hierarchy and the rigging but for sure it is going to be a hot one. At least what I think. These mechs give a crapload of work ....
just got my new mice now got to program all these buttons the way it was before, saves me using the keyboard for all the commands
KageRyu, It is always nice if they hold a decade my previous one is also still running that one would be about 12 years. but got it in the closet for now, runs fast as long as you don't take it from the current.
I wish I had a computer as new as only 5 years old.
Renderhub is a neat Board to place the DS stuff, ok there still storekeepers so lets say " Hope dies last "

after these 10 day's there i can only estimate how hard it is for most of these Ds creators getting a little reward for there work, so better keep it for fun.

I thought that DS would of been more popular, assuming that if a work ever gets payed out it would take month's with a little luck.
Just Passing some time to study these Material options in DS at least the basics. This is what takes me allot of time when porting the Poser models. So picked today a version with a bunch of material setups .... Learning fast

Just blew of my mouse that is fully programmed for 3D, the left button is broken ... to many clicks the past 5 years. hope the new one will arrive the next day's. just had to spend a 100 buck bummer! so a new van for the computer will have to wait 3 are still running so all good. It just made me realize that my computer is again 5 years old LOL
KageRyu, The small ones will suffer most! Here all seems to be working normally again. Some just have way to much power in this world .... A little empty driver and the whole system gets a collapse. Sure a very sensitive system we have smile
The Cloudstrike Windows 11 issue is hurting everybody globally. Gotta love megacorporations, right? Do you think they will have to reimburse anyone for the damages they've caused? Trick question...
most work is now getting once in a while the released poser models DS ready ..... " I have work for years " considering that I make new releases to !

You would not believe it but had to jump back at least a decade, grab out old plugins and apps to make all this possible. It sure is surprising how good the old extensions were and how many possibilities they are offering. So I reached a point when making a new Poser model the DS versions gets done simultaneously. All this will save me allot of time in the future ensuring the support of both platforms as if they were one.
I am slowly catching up on my new RenderHub account, it gives me allot off additional work, making all new promo's. the good thing is that it makes me check my converter system improve it, removing slight issues, enhancing products. I think I half way cached up now. Also had to enhance the easy-pose for ds as it never was meant to be for Daz models. basics were working and now could integrate all the EP extensions into DS.....
Hwo would of thought, now my Internet is cranking, like on dial up. Having a forced break here.

suasi678, The File Factory host just came back online .... all back to normal and working. almost got worried for a moment !!
Lots of sites are still down or not functioning correctly. I hope the CloudStrike clowns get put out of business.
FF still not running I hope it is not because of the CrowdStrike and this security update pulled there servers down. A phenomenon that a Antivirus is taking down the Net

crazy blink
File Factory is still down, boy hope it is just a little thing! else I am going to get a spas.

Undercity4, Lol well sure will also make it. In my full element just finished updating my bridge system DS is not that familiar with easy-pose so extended the feature a little so that DS also can support all additional EP features ....
Well whenever there's a daz version for it. yahoo
I might have to grab your Godzilla next time and have him do some damage these monstrosities! That should be a lot of fun to create.
Cool man, thanks a lot, I can't wait to start having some fun with these creatures.
Undercity4, I have send you a Mail with a working download link smile
Undercity4, Yes just noticed File Factory seems to be down I will send you an alternative download link .... hope they fix this fast else I will have allot of work ahead !
It keeps saying to me "unexpected error" whenever I try to go to the site with the download link.
Is there anyway you can send the file to me directly? My Email is MechanistMachines@Gmail.com

or Undercity4@Protonmail.com either is fine.
Summonor I just bought that Decarabia-Alpha_DS but the files wont let me download it.
portfolio, but you probably caught me on a wrong moment as I am totally overwhelmed with so much stuff but I always keep the requests for new suff noted just in case smile
portfolio, This is that African animal right ?
Here's a request for you, and a weird one it is. I want a Man-Aardvark. Not because I am lonely with a bestiality problem but because My vision is using a unique Aardvark as a commercial project I am working on. I am having getting the Aardvark nose/mouth correct so come crawling to you to see what you could cook up. let me know the cost and details. Ta very much - Gareth
KageRyu, that is a good idea could make some alternative weapons to equip, would have to see how to place a mount. would not be to difficult for the weapon as they remain static and make em universal but a mount is rather individual
You mean, he hasn't found a new home yet - he will. I thought he could use some weapons - like wrist lasers, over the shoulder missiles, a gatling gun... but that's me. With a color variation he could almost pass for Optimus Primal's animal form from Beast Machines.
this happens quiet allot with figures, you make one and you are really exited then realizing that you have a totally different taste, on the other hand you make a model thinking not really what I expected and people jump right on it all exited !

lol lol
still working on that mech series, not sure if there will be a large request, but I like these smile
So now trying to get the scorpion, sure a challenging rigging with loads of features.

thought the gorilla could be a hit but Nop LOL he did not find any new home till now thought may be on RB but neither there. Can be difficult at times getting the right stuff out smile
if you wish to have a specific only poser model for Daz Studio you can place

your Request here

this will make it easy for me and you get the model faster that you wish having for the platform
lol lol
I was being snarky. I have not posted much in forums in recent years. I post a bit at HiveWire, but lately I find it difficult even posting there. Too much in my own head these days. It's dark and scary in here....and the monsters... blink
KageRyu, you find the link it in the site menu
KageRyu, LOL yes I have a quiet big forum on the site, with neat options, you can even make prolls but not many really used it. Still have many options I can add , and the nice thing it is not censured in any way haha crazy
There are forums?
People here are are often silent, guess it is like this on many places this makes this gossip chat convenient. I often just talk to my self in here, but do the same in RL as I live quiet isolated ! So nothing really new

lol lol crazy
suasi678, Yes I often thought using the forums I made here a little more it is having neat options, but it never really got popular, you are sure welcome using the Forums and just make new topics, I would also preferer using this option a little more . There is a chit chat section that is useful for different conversations.
(contd again...) ...to use as backgrounds in my renders. I love the soft, flowing look of Art Nouveau, it's so different to the hard geometric shapes of Art Deco.
Do you think we could move these conversations to your forum? This little box is hard to use and read, even on a large monitor. You can't add pictures either.
PS, I just bought the 'Violator'. I love this thing but Vicky better watch out!
(contd...) in RenderHub. That's a popular spot. I'd like to suggest that you also put up some of your architecture. it's original and well optimized for fast response. so many vendors make these ridiculously hi-res textures and detailed mesh that's not needed, and drags even high end systems. Are you interested in Art Nouveau? There's only ever been one item made (a bathroom) and it seemed quite popular. I'm downloading a bunch of Art nouveau scenes from ArtStation
Hi summoner, we've all been seeing this for some time and AI isn't helping. Both platforms have let their software languish and folks are losing patience with it. Two years ago Daz promised Studio 5. To this day there's nothing and any queries are deleted in the forums. We all know that Tafi (Daz's new corporate masters) is nothing but a short sighted equity firm who's bleeding Daz for everything it can. Still, there's a dedicated core of fans. I saw your items in R
I guess both platforms are slowing down big time Poser as well as DS, but I think it is still a great passion and I am having allot of fun doing this stuff even if it is not a real hype ar the moment. A great creative training.

Ok this is quiet some organization with all this new stuff but slowly getting into it. Got almost overwhelmed the past two day's , but with time all will balance it self out. My system is setup so far that after the creations of the poser assets can be done for DS, so will support both platforms in future, hoping that the DS versions will pull a little on RenderHub. I have patience and usually do not give up, all just a matter of Organisation
.... Since now after soon 2 month DS is not pulling, being a little surprised ! I give it a shot on renderhub with DS versions so I can see if this type of models I make have a chance getting popular for DS or not, so will release a bunch there. I was really Lucky that my Nick " Summoner " has not been used there and I could make a account smile

Will have to raise the Prices a little there as they Pull off 45% , this is sure allot and will hurt big time !
Kong Mech released, he sure has beaten any expectations, even that initially had a big error just because I forgot to skin one vertex ( A little dot ) causing that I could not bridge to DS or back to another program. I was under full shock fearing a full loss ! For the rigging I sure had a good day, he is so fun to play with !!