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Saturday, 27-07-2024, 09:55



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Master Chief ( Conforming Outfit For V4 )
SummonerDate: Tuesday, 04-04-2017, 21:47 | Message # 1
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 159
Status: Offline
After a Request to make individual Parts of Master Chief For V4
I made this hard shell Armour.
Fully Conforming to V4 ... Not Distorting on Bending.
It will be an Upper Armour this way it will allow you to use
a Undersuit like The V4 Bodysuit to complete it or any Tight
Cyber outfit you have.

This Outfit consists of 6 outfit Parts !
Chest Hip Armour
Left and Right Leg Armour
Left and Right Arm Armour

I made it compatible for older Poser versions
and it  also work in DS

Bendings are set to work like a Hard shell Armour
this way you will not get any Distortions on Moving V4

SummonerDate: Wednesday, 05-04-2017, 01:16 | Message # 2
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 159
Status: Offline
Updated the outfit to a multi conforming outfit V4 M4
so one outfit for both figures

only the helmet will need to be sized to 104 % and all done
M4 can carry that Armour smile

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