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Saturday, 27-07-2024, 09:59



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SummonerDate: Monday, 05-12-2016, 14:10 | Message # 1
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 159
Status: Offline
After a little request for a reproduction of Weapons , I am starting off to make Packages
some of them will be verry complex as they will be articulated to get the most out of it.
My guess is to charge about 2$ -3$ for each and make Packages with a few of em in it.
But I have to see on how much time I spend on such complex figures, and if I am able to
generate a Patch program that helps me create them.

here a sample of how they will look like. Starting off with Pistols and will fallow with SMG's
the whole collection will have approx 100 weapons each with hes own style That is the Plan!
ok they will not be made all in a row but once in a while for sure.

ThorneldrichDate: Monday, 05-12-2016, 19:41 | Message # 2
Group: Young Dragon
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
Now that is sweet!

I don't have to outrun THEM, I only have to outrun YOU!

GhostwolfDate: Wednesday, 14-12-2016, 03:10 | Message # 3
Group: Young Dragon
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
Will there be more weapon props coming soon, after Handgun Pack A?

SummonerDate: Wednesday, 14-12-2016, 12:15 | Message # 4
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 159
Status: Offline
actually planed for sure , I am working byt by byt on these
Pack B for the hand weapons is already at work , I just open up another runtime
at times to get a little change , so I have alway's a few creation runtimes at once
I work at.
So with time tey all gonna be here I guess the thing is also if no one gets
em then there just dust-catchers on the site like allot of things LOL
I then just wait to see if there is really interest on certain things or not.

Mostly the really complex amazing things just lay around then I wonder
what People really would like to have .

GhostwolfDate: Wednesday, 14-12-2016, 16:30 | Message # 5
Group: Young Dragon
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
Okay, thanks very much for the update. Summoner. I am most looking forward to the SMG and other pistol weapons.

I am very interested in the weapon pack and other Mass Effect inspired figures for sure, but I am also interested in that Medusa character for
one of my Poser scenes as well.

So many choices but so little money I have. cry

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