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Saturday, 21-12-2024, 11:00



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Fixing Issues in Poser 11.1
SummonerDate: Saturday, 08-04-2023, 23:53 | Message # 1
Group: Dragon Master
Messages: 164
Status: Offline
Some of you might still be using SM Poser 11.1 due the support of the Pythons you collected.
Since Bondware already destroyed the whole support since they got Poser starting by Poser 11.2
you might want to continue using SM Poser 11.1

You might encounter since a short while some token errors the latest one was on line 8 this 
means that the last servers closed spying you out. the error does not affect the usage of poser
put is annoying as you always get these message when booting Poser up.

To get rid of these Error messages you need to add lines into your Host file 
these are the lines that you need and you will have a Poser that works just fine preta3d.com my.nalpeiron.com www.contentparadise.com www.producturlsupport.com

Use a text editor Like Notepad++ to add the lines on the bottom of the file and you will
have a Poser running without any error messages.
The contentparadise line fixes also prior Poser versions getting a Library error, preta3d
is to be able to continue using Reality, nalpeiron is for activation, producturlsupport is the
most recent issue that gives a Token error on line 8

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